Veteran Daniil Goncharenko received a voucher for training to help his brothers in rehabilitation in the future

On September 26, 2024, a meeting was held at the Kyiv City Employment Center, where veteran Daniil Honcharenko was presented with a voucher for studying at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. Thanks to this voucher, he will be able to study in the specialty 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, the educational and professional program “Physical Culture and Sports Rehabilitation” to become a physical and sports rehabilitator.

Даниїл Гончаренко, який віддано служив країні, обрав цю спеціальність щоб у майбутньому допомагати та реабілітувати своїх побратимів. “Під час проходження реабілітації в Навчально-реабілітаційному центрі НУФВСУ я зрозумів наскільки важливо допомагати своїм побратимам і донести важливість пожиттєвої підтримки власного здоровʼя. Моя мета — використати здобуті знання для підтримки тих, хто пройшов через важкі

the trials of war. I want to help my brothers return to a full life,” he shared during the presentation.

A training voucher is a standard document that allows you to pay for training in a certain specialty at higher or vocational education institutions. On the basis of the voucher, retraining in working professions, training in specialties for obtaining a master’s degree, as well as training at the next level of education, specialization and advanced training in professions and specialties in accordance with priority types of economic activity are carried out. A person independently chooses a profession or specialty from the approved list, as well as the form and place of study.

Representatives of the Kyiv City Employment Center emphasized the importance of supporting veterans in their adaptation to civilian life. Training vouchers allow former servicemen to acquire sought-after professional skills and successfully integrate into society.

The National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine offers modern educational programs that meet international standards. Specialty 017 “Physical Culture and Sports”, educational and professional program “Physical Culture and Sports Rehabilitation” trains specialists who are able to work effectively in the field of rehabilitation and physical health.

This event is a vivid example of how the state supports those who defend our country. We wish Daniil Goncharenko success in his studies and the implementation of his noble goal — to help his brothers on the path to recovery and return to active life.


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